eLibrary of the Goethe-Institut. Facebook, Blogs und Wikis in der Schule


Facebook, Blogs und Wikis in der Schule

Facebook, Blogs und Wikis in der Schule

ein Social-Media-Leitfaden

Person: Wampfler, Philippe

Year: 2013

Language: German

Scope: 176 p.



Adolescents today have come to regard social networks as a natural way to maintain their relationships with others, to procure information and to be entertained. This represents both a risk and an opportunity for the school system. How can schools learn to deal with this phenomenon positively and constructively? How can they avoid the pitfalls and still use social media in the classroom? This guideline analyses the various functions of social media and presents valuable tools for applying them in the classroom situation. It provides concrete suggestions for imparting proper competence in adolescents. It also contains information about how social media can best be used as part of the public relations of the respective school.
Author text:
Philippe Wampfler unterrichtet an der Kantonsschule Enge, ist als Dozent für Fachdidaktik Deutsch am IFE der Universität Zürich tätig und ist publizistisch in Blogs und Social Media Networks aktiv.

Title: Facebook, Blogs und Wikis in der Schule

Person: Wampfler, Philippe

Publisher : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht

ISBN: 9783647997254

Category: School & Learning, Learning & Study Techniques

File size: 3 MB

Format: ePub

Loan period: 14 days

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