die Onleihe des Goethe-Instituts in Ostasien. The Ocean Book


The Ocean Book

The Ocean Book

how Endangered are our Seas?

著者(作者): Gonstalla, Esther

年: 2018

言語: Englisch

容量: 128 ページ



Rising sea levels, leaking oil rigs, growing garbage patches and overfishing: our oceans are in grave danger. To protect the ecosystem it is important to better understand the relationship between human actions and their effect on marine environments. The Ocean Book provides a comprehensive picture of the threats posed on this mysterious and fascinating habitat, and makes correlations visible and easy to understand with the help of detailed infographics.
Esther Gonstalla, born in 1985, lives and works as a freelance book and infographic designer in Germany and French Polynesia. Her clients include National Geographic Germany, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, environmental photo festival Zingst, as well as the magazines Stern, Cicero and Walden. Her first book in this series, Das Atombuch. Radioaktive Abfälle und verlorene Atombomben (The Atom Book. Radioactive waste and lost atom bombs) was also the thesis she produced in 2009 for her degree in Information Design at Münster College. The work earned her the Stiftung Buchkunst Award for "one of the most beautiful German books of 2009". In addition, her college awarded her their own prize. In 2011, Iwanami Shoten in Tokyo published the book in Japanese. The second volume, titled Das Klimabuch (The Climate Book) appeared in Germany in 2012, and again in Japanese in 2013. Das Ozeanbuch (The Ocean Book) is the third of the series and focuses on the state of our oceans and the man-made problems inflicted upon them.

タイトル: The Ocean Book

著者(作者): Gonstalla, Esther

出版社: oekom verlag

ISBN: 9783962384654

カテゴリー: 実用メディア&アドバイス, 環境&環境保護, 水&河川保護

データ容量: 10 MB

フォーマット: PDF

貸出期間: 14 日間
