주한독일문화원. The Kangaroo Chronicles


The Kangaroo Chronicles

The Kangaroo Chronicles

저자: Kling, Marc-Uwe

연도: 2016

언어: Englisch

면수: 272 S.


Marc-Uwe lives together with a kangaroo. The kangaroo is a communist and it is really into Nirvana. It's a classical Berlin flat-sharing community, where the deep questions of life are debated: Is lying in a hammock already a kind of passive resistance? Must the Kangaroo place its pouch onto the conveyor belt at the airport security check? Did the Kangaroo really fight for the Vietcong? And why is it addicted to champagne truffles?
저자의 글:
Marc-Uwe Kling writes funny songs and stories. His business model is to write books that fiercely criticize capitalism and sell incredibly well. A two-time German Poetry Slam Champion he has also won numerous awards for his stage shows. For his Kangaroo stories he was awarded the German Radio Award, the German Cabaret Award and the German Audio Book Prize.

자료 : The Kangaroo Chronicles

저자: Kling, Marc-Uwe

번역자: Cossaboon, Sarah ; Campbell, Paul-Henri

출판사: Verlag Voland & Quist

ISBN: 9783863911546

카테고리: 순수문학 & 오락물, 장편 & 단편소설

파일 크기: 7 메가바이트

포맷: ePub

3 자료 개수
3 대출가능
0 예약

대출 기간: 14 일